Never underestimate the powers of soup. A good bowl of soup made with love (probably from a recipe that has been handed down for generations) can restore fortitude, lift the spirits, and clear the mind. Some soups can even confer benefits that may be called magical by some (or witchcraft by others). These are so-called soups of power, and their secret recipes are jealously guarded. Each soup of power, if properly prepared, bestows a particular benefit once per day to those who eat it. For example, if one were to enjoy a bowl of Khamble's chicken soup, which is famed for its healing qualities, one would automatically regain 2 lost hit points, but subsequent bowls consumed during the same day—although nutritious and delicious—will not heal more hit points. The following day, if one were to eat another bowl of Khamble's chicken soup, one would regain another 2 lost hit points.
To randomly generate a soup of power, roll once on the table below and give the soup a unique name. The soup, if the correct ingredients are used and it is properly prepared and served, will faithfully grant the same benefit once per day to any who eat it.
Soups of Power
Roll 1d20
- Acts as the spell cure disease.
- Acts as the spell dispel exhaustion.
- Acts as the spell neutralize poison.
- Acts as the spell remove fear.
- Acts as the spell restoration.
- Acts as the spell true sight.
- Grants +1 to the next saving throw.
- Grants +2 to the next saving throw.
- Grants +3 to the next saving throw.
- Grants +4 to the next saving throw.
- Heals 1 hit point.
- Heals 2 hit points.
- Heals 3 hit points.
- Heals 4 hit points.
- Imbues the eater with cold resistance for one hour.
- Imbues the eater with immunity to disease for 24 hours.
- Imbues the eater with immunity to poison for 24 hours.
- Increases the eater's dexterity by 1 point for 24 hours.
- Increases the eater's strength by 1 point for 24 hours.
- Increases the eater's strength by 1d6 points for 1d6 hours.
N.B. If the recipe is not followed precisely (e.g., if an ingredient is substituted or the cooking time altered, etc.), the special benefit may be reduced in effectiveness by lowering it a step (e.g., +1 to next saving throw instead of +2), making it more erratic (e.g., 2d12 hours instead of 24 hours), or eliminating it (e.g., cure disease becomes "no effect").
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