25 August 2024

RPGaDay 2024: Day 25

25. Desirable dice

Binary dice and dice pouch.

It is my desire to see binary six-sided dice become more widely available and in a greater variety of colors, styles, and materials. By "binary dice," I mean those that have an equal number of sides marked "1" or "0"—and I strongly prefer the six-sided variety (either 16 mm or 12 mm).

I have 20 binary dice in opaque white with black inking, but I have never found them in actual stores, and they are not always easy to find online. I just conducted a search on a popular retail site and the closest result I found was a set of cowrie shells "for use as binary dice." We can do better.

[For more information on #RPGaDay (or #RPGaDay2024 specifically), read this.]

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