20. Amazing adventure
One of the most amazing adventures I've played in the last few years was When Manimals Attack by Tim Snider. It is a Mutant Crawl Classics RPG adventure for 2nd level characters, and I had the privilege of playtesting it with Mr. Snider and one other player via Zoom. My comrade played a Plantient, and I played a Human Rover named Declan (possibly descended from a clone of footballer Declan Rice (or his reincarnation???)). We made a great team despite being shorthanded, and the adventure itself was, per today's topic, amazing.
(I just noticed the Goodman Games site is currently out of stock of the Print + PDF, but here is the link watch: MCC #12: When Manimals Attack—Print + PDF. Meanwhile, it is still available strictly as a PDF: MCC #12: When Manimals Attack—PDF.)
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