01 April 2023

Table: Occasional Checks (Your Dungeon Tour Table)

Your dungeon tour begins in a subterranean passageway, which you proceed to explore without the hassle of maps or directions. You must make an Occasional Check...

This is the first table of Your Dungeon Tour Table.

Occasional Checks

Roll 1d20

1. The passage continues. Check again after 20'.
2. The passage continues. Check again after 40'.
3. The passage continues. Check again after 60'.
4. The passage turns. Check again after 10'-60'.
5. The passage turns. Check again after 10'-60'.
6. There is a side passage. Check again after 10'-60'.
7. There is a side passage. Check again after 10'-60'.
8. There is a three-way intersection. Check again after 10'-60' each way.
9. There is a four-way intersection. Check again after 10'-60' each way.
10. There is a dead end, but there might be a secret door.
11. There is a door to the left. Passage continues. Check again after 10'-60'.
12. There is a door to the right. Passage continues. Check again after 10'-60'.
13. Behold, a phantastical anomaly! Passage continues. Check again after 10'-80'.
14. There is a door ahead.
15. There is a room of some sort.
16. There is a chamber of some sort.
17. There is a means of ascent or descent.
18. 'Tis a trap!
19. Lo, a trick!
20. Hark, a wandering monster! (Check again to see what lies beyond.)

N.B. Check passage width and/or passage description whenever a new passage is discovered or whenever the fancy strikes you.

Measurement conversion: 10' (10 feet) = 3.048 m = 1 traditional map square = 2 battlemat squares (in one direction)

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