27 April 2023

Table: Chambers (Your Dungeon Tour Table)

What nature of chamber is this?

This is the twenty-sixth table of Your Dungeon Tour Table.


Roll 1d12

1. Typical everyday subterranean chamber. (See room.)
2. Torture chamber. (95% chance of TORTURE!)
3. Teleportation chamber. (30% chance of controlling the destination.)
4. Study chamber. (75% chance of useful information.)
5. Not your typical everyday subterranean chamber. (See room, but add a twist.)
6. Just another word for room.
7. Echo chamber. (100% chance of echoes if a sound is made.)
8. Chamber of horrors. (60% chance the horror is real.)
9. Chamber music chamber. (50% chance of music.)
10. Bedchamber. (25% chance of 1d8 sleepers.)
11. Anti-antechamber. (10% chance of 1d4 aunties; 0% chance of other exits.)
12. Actual antechamber to another room or chamber.

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