I have already answered this in response to similar #RPGaDay questions over the years (see the first entry for RPGaDay 2019), but I'll repeat it: my first Dungeon Master was my friend David who introduced me to Dungeons & Dragons.
We were in third grade when we met and he proudly announced, "I play D&D with my brother." My blank and uninterested expression led him to follow with an explanation: "It means Dungeons & Dragons." To which I replied, "So?" I can't recall the rest of the conversation, but the subject died until we were in fifth grade and I was excited about an advertisement for a computer game called Deathmaze 5000 I had seen in an issue of 80 Microcomputing. To paraphrase what I told my friends David and Andrew on the playground, "What if there were a game like Deathmaze 5000, but instead of using the computer, which has a limited number of responses to a limited number of commands, you could try to do anything you can imagine and there would be endless possibilities! I wish it existed!" To which David responded, "That's what D&D is." Thusly did the lightning bolt strike me, and a short time later I played my first role-playing session with David as the DM.
It seems like a silly little anecdote, but it was the beginning of a lifelong hobby and it forged a bond of social activity and creative endeavor amongst my friends and me. Role-playing games were, and continue to be, a shared language amongst many of my closest and oldest friends. Thank you, David, for that first adventure.
[For more information on #RPGaDay (or #RPGaDay2023 specifically), read this.]