Can I ____?
Sometimes a player asks, "Can I [blank]?" Maybe you know such a player. Maybe you have been that player. There are many ways to answer that question, some helpful, some not so helpful, but if ever you wish to allow the supernatural to offer a guiding hand, here are some tables with the answers you just can't be bothered to formulate.
One table is based directly on the Magic 8 Ball, but requires the use of a magic d20 instead (although a nonmagical d20 will suffice). The other table requires an oracular icosahedron (although, again, a nonmagical d20 is an acceptable substitute). Choose the table that best serves your needs, but if indecision strikes, you may always resort to a random method, e.g. roll any die — if the result is an even number, roll the magic d20; if the result is an odd number, roll the oracular icosahedron.
Magic d20
Roll 1d20
The answer to your yes-or-no question is...
1. My reply is no.
2. My sources say no.
3. Outlook not so good.
4. Very doubtful.
5. Don't count on it.
6. Better not tell you now.
7. Cannot predict now.
8. Ask again later.
9. Reply hazy, try again.
10. Concentrate and ask again.
11. Outlook good.
12. Most likely.
13. Signs point to yes.
14. As I see it, yes.
15. Yes.
16. Yes definitely.
17. Without a doubt.
18. It is certain.
19. It is decidedly so.
20. You may rely on it.
Oracular Icosahedron
Roll 1d20
The answer to your yea-or-nay inquiry is...
1. Fool! The answer is no, and all your ambitions are as dust!
2. Fool! The answer is yes, though you be ignorant of its implications!
3. No! And woe to you and your descendants!
4. Yes! And woe to you and the reputation of your ancestors!
5. No, for mortals such as you can never attain such lofty aspirations!
6. Yes, though you shall wish it otherwise!
7. No, if you don't mind offending Nature!
8. Yes, if you would offend the gods!
9. Not as mortals perceive it, no.
10. As mortals perceive it, yes.
11. The answer lies within you.
12. The answer is all around you.
13. Quest and you shall know.
14. Know and you shall perish.
15. It is known that there is no known answer.
16. Those who utter such a question draw the attention of alien gods or demons.
17. Not at this time.
18. Yes, but not for long.
19. Never.
20. Always.
[The above are tables of the Table of the Quasi-Answerable.]