Once again, it is April Fool's Eve, and this time the foolishness will be doubled! Here, in Applied Phantasticality, you are invited to the madness of the What Is This Table? Table. (You'll see...) There, in Savage Arts & Sciences, you may enroll in the Build Your Own Space Opera Table (inspired by the likes of Flash Gordon). Two mega-tables for the price of one! Which will win? Read them both to find out...
What Is This Table? Table
Roll 1d12
1. Roll on the What Is This Business? Table!2. Roll on the What Is This Market Stall Selling? Table!
3. Roll on the What Is This Plane of Existence? Table!
4. Roll on the What Does This Barrel Contain? Table!
5. Roll on the What Are They Discussing? Table!
6. Roll on the What Are They Discussing? 2 Table!
7. Roll on the What Is This Game of Chance? Table!
8. Roll on the What Does the Eclipse Portend? Table!
9. Roll on the Why Is the Room Spinning? Table!
10. Roll on the What Did the Mad Mage Create This Time? Table!
11. Roll on the What Did the Mad Mage Summon This Time? Table!
12. Roll on the Who Does the Mad Mage Think He Is This Time? Table!
N.B. Results of the What Is This Table? Table are being added [almost] daily (starting on the 1st of April). [And it stands at 12 entries.]