29 April 2013
Mysterious Disappearances
17 April 2013
Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day Sales
From Frog God Games:
Frog God Games has discounted their entire line of Swords & Wizardry products for 1 day only in celebration of Swords & Wizardry appreciation day (April 17th 2013). The discount is good for 25% off S&W Products but you must use coupon* code SWApprDay on April 17th 2013 at check out.
*The coupon excludes items less than $1, S&W Cards, Pre-Orders, and Subscriptions.
From the Swords & Wizardry SRD site:
Here is the coupon code for the Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day sale [17 April 2013]!
It applies to everything listed here: http://shop.d20pfsrd.com/collections/swords-wizardry-appreciation-day
Happy S&W Appreciation Day!
14 April 2013
Law and Chaos and Level Limits
This would have tangible effects on a dualistic fantasy world. Very powerful individuals would avoid leaving their land lest they be deprived of their power and would rely on their lessers (who, due to their lower levels, would not be penalized) to achieve their goals in alien territories. Lawful and Chaotic realms would constantly seek to extend their boundaries at the expense of the other, for their denizens cannot coexist and prosper for long. Perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a realm is to have its most powerful protector slain, lured away, or held captive in an opposite realm. Not only is that protector weakened in power by the distance, but maybe the realm itself suffers an actual loss in its inherent Law or Chaos, thus making it more vulnerable to incursions and conquest by its opposite. Maybe the power of Law and Chaos in a land is generated by the height of the levels — the legendry — of its most powerful inhabitants. Thus we have stories of human heroes being lured into Fairyland to dream their lives away and leave their kingdom open to invasion by hostile fairyfolk; and stories of expeditions to kidnap or assassinate the elven royalty who hold sway in the forest in order to open their lands up to mining or farming. A precarious balance is maintained when the low to medium level beings of Law and Chaos spar with one another at home or abroad, but it tips when the greatest beings die or leave their realm. If the greater (high level) beings are depleted in one realm, but not the other, then the depleted realm's alignment will change to that of its victorious neighbor. If, however, both realms are depleted of all their greater beings and protectors, then both will decline and lapse into a state of Neutrality where neither Law nor Chaos is ascendant and either all beings have level limits or no beings have level limits.
Outside of a coherent setting-based reason for level limits, I still prefer not to limit levels.
11 April 2013
Postcard from the Ethereal Plane
P.S. My project will be utilizing the Swords & Wizardry White Box rules. Can't wait to playtest it!
07 April 2013
Combat Sequence Revised
Combat Sequence
(Basic/Expert D&D specifies "DM rolls damage," but I have always allowed and preferred players to roll any damage their characters cause.)Pre-A. Any spellcaster intending to use magic must inform the referee before initiative is rolled.
A. Each side rolls 1d6 for initiative.
B. The side that wins initiative acts first. Sides that tie act simultaneously.
- Morale check if necessary.
- Magic spells (victims make saving throws as required).
- Missile fire:
- select targets
- roll "to hit"
- roll damage
- Mêlée combat
- select opponents
- roll "to hit"
- roll damage
- Movement (combatants in mêlée may only move defensively; spellcasters may not move and cast spells in the same round).
C. The side with the next highest initiative acts in the same order as above, and so on until all sides have acted.
D. The referee handles any surrenders, retreats, etc. as they occur.
06 April 2013
Table: Enchanted Table, or, The Enchanted Table Table
Enchanted Table
Roll 1d20
- Adjust-O-Legs (legs extend or retract on command).
- Ani-Leg Real Movement (animated legs capable of locomotion).
- Chromatic Variability (alters color on command).
- Decor Chameleon (alters appearance to match any decor).
- Emergency Shelter (protects any being who hides under it with a wall of force).
- Everfilling Inkwell (provides an endless supply of ink).
- Extra-planar capable (may be taken to any plane of existence including the Astral and Ethereal).
- E-Z Glide circumvolution (rotates on command).
- Festive Defense (surrounded by a prismatic sphere).
- Invis-O-Legs (appears to float in mid-air).
- No-Legs (levitates; does not rise or lower, but may be moved horizontally).
- Picture This! mental depicter (surface will display any image the user can imagine on command).
- Quiet Zone Silence Enforcer (surrounded by silence, 15' radius).
- See Here! scrying lens (inset crystal in surface functions as a crystal ball).
- Stay-Sure surface (will not release anything placed on it unless the magic word is thought or uttered).
- Teleportation capable (it and anything on it may teleport on command up to 3 times per day).
- Thaumaturgical insulation (surrounded by an anti-magic shell).
- Three-way illumination (dim, average, or bright light on command).
- Total Invisibility (undetectable by any optical means).
- Total Invisibility Plus (extends its invisibility to anything placed on its surface).
[This is the fourth table of the Table of Tablecentric Tables.]
05 April 2013
Random Table Generator: Roll All Dice
[If a link on another blog directed you here and you are searching for random generators and Roll All Dice tables, then click on the links in this sentence.]
Random Table Generator
(Roll All Dice)
Roll 1d4
1. Small
2. Medium
3. Medium
4. Large
Number of Legs
Roll 1d6
1. One (pedestal with base)
2. One (pedestal with feet)
3. Four
4. Four
5. Four
6. Eight
Style of Legs
Roll 1d8
1. Carved ornately
2. Carved simply
3. Fluted
4. Rectangular
5. Roughly hewn
6. Tapered
7. Turned
8. Gilded (plus roll again)
Roll 1d10
1. Circular
2. Circular
3. Hexagonal
4. Octagonal
5. Oval
6. Rectangular
7. Rectangular
8. Square
9. Square
10. Triangular
Style of Surface
Roll 1d12
1. Plain
2. Carved
3. Gilded
4. Inlay
5. Lacquer
6. Marble
7. Marquetry
8. Mosaic
9. Painted
10. Parquetry
11. Tiled
12. Veneered
Roll 1d20
1. Alder
2. Beech
3. Birch
4. Bird's Eye Maple
5. Cherry
6. Chestnut
7. Elm
8. Hickory
9. Kingwood
10. Mahogany
11. Maple
12. Peach
13. Pear
14. Pine
15. Red Oak
16. Rosewood
17. Teak
18. Walnut
19. White Oak
20. Willow
[This is the third table of the Table of Tablecentric Tables.]
04 April 2013
Table: Tables
Roll 1d20
- banquet table
- bedside table
- card table
- chess table
- coffee table
- dinner table
- drawing table
- drop-leaf table
- end table
- gateleg table
- kitchen table
- loo table*
- picnic table
- poker table
- refectory table
- Round Table
- table tennis table
- trestle table
- TV tray
- work table
[This is the second table of the Table of Tablecentric Tables.]
Table: Recliner Positions?
Last night I had a dream about a table of random recliner positions. Maybe I've been spending too much time on random generators. In any event, if your party happens to encounter a recliner, roll below to determine its current position.
Recliner Positions
Roll 1d4
- Upright
- Partially reclined
- Semi-reclined
- Fully reclined
[Photograph borrowed from this page.]
[This is the first table of the Table of Tablecentric Tables.]
02 April 2013
Table of Tablecentric Tables
As a result of (undoubtedly ill-advised) time travel, this table has been transported from the year 2022 (April the 16th) to the year 2013 (April the 2nd) in celebration of the holiday (known only to Applied Phantasticality) as Random Generator Month, because April 2013 is indeed when the inspiration was born. A happy Random Generator Month to all, and to all a good roll of the dice!
Table of Tablecentric Tables
Roll 1d4
1. Roll on the Recliner Positions? Table!2. Roll on the Tables Table!
3. Roll on the Random Table Generator: Roll All Dice Tables!
4. Roll on the Enchanted Table, or, The Enchanted Table Table Table!