05 September 2024

In Space, Can Anyone Hear You Blog?

Are you a person? Do you read this blog? If you are and you do, please leave a comment below. I am just trying to get an idea of how many actual readers this blog has. Applied Phantasticality gets a few thousand hits a month, but I have a difficult time believing most of them are not from bots. So, if you actually read this blog on occasion and you are not a bot, please leave a comment below. Feel free to do it anonymously if you prefer. And state your country, too, if you wish. It would be interesting to know where my readers are. All I really need are the numbers, so if you just want to indicate that you read this blog, simply type an exclamation point in the comments. I'll start.

N.B. All comments are moderated to prevent spam, but please do not let that dissuade you.

P.S. If you are a reader, thank you. If you leave a comment, thank you. Sometimes it's hard to find motivation in the silence of blogspace, and knowing one has actual readers means a great deal.


  1. I don't comment, and don't always read. I tend to add anyone with a couple of interesting posts to the rss reader, so I'm at least glancing at titles and reading some of your posts!

  2. Just commented and said I add a ton of blogs to my reader, but wanted to add that I rarely bother trying to post even when I want to because so many blogs are set up so that I can't. I have a google account that I use daily, but I don't think I've ever managed to comment on blogspot using it. It always asks me to log in again, and again, and again, so I often don't try.

  3. I read via the RSS feed - so not sure how that shows up for you.

  4. Person reader here.

  5. 👋 not a robot

  6. Yep, I come by every time there is an update.

  7. I follow through Feeddler, if that helps. Oklahoma.

  8. You know very well I'm an alien, not a robot.

  9. I always try to comment when an entry is even slightly interesting. The blogosphere silence that you mention is a great deal of the motives that make good, creative peoples to drift towards toxic and non-creative places like twitter. Sometimes, a comment saying "im there" can prevent our companions to turn to the dark side

  10. I am an actual reader and am actually terrible at leaving comments.

  11. I read this blog, have for years.

  12. I read this blog through connection with your other blogs theoretical swashbuckling ( I enjoy your reviews) & savage arts & sciences. Go Flash!

  13. I read this blog on a weekly basis.

  14. Human reader here! I get your blog through the RSS feed, since it was on a list of OSR-y blogs I downloaded.
