31 July 2024

Taking RPGaDay to 11(th)

RPGaDay2024 begins in a few hours minutes, and I have decided that I will be participating in it. This is the eleventh year of RPGaDay, and although many of the topics have been recycled, I have been persuaded by a certain article to be involved, albeit in a manner conducive to concise responses. In previous years, I used the social medium formerly known as Twitter and compiled them here in Applied Phantasticality. Last year, I simply posted them here daily. This year, I shall be using Threads and compiling them here again. [Edit: On second thought, I've decided to post my answers daily both here and on Threads.]

For this year's event, two lists of prompts have been provided by the organizers, and a third list of prompts has been offered here in Barking Alien. I shall be drawing from whichever list inspires me at the moment or substituting my own.

Be seeing you...

RPG a Day 2024 image.

RPG a Day 2024 variant list image.

RPG a Day 2024 Barking Alien alternate list image.

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