26 July 2024

I'll Be the Judge of That (Postapocalyptic Adventure)

In the very near future (possibly next week), I will be running my first Mutant Crawl Classics RPG adventure. I've played a fair amount of it (and have even playtested a few adventures), but I've never run it. It will also be my first experience with MCC RPG in person, as I have previously only played it via Zoom.

Before the funnel begins, I will be implementing the following house rules, optional rules, and acts of whimsy:

  • Attributes will be generated with 4d6, drop the lowest die.
  • Starting hit points will be generated with 1d4, rerolling 1s.
  • All birth sign lucky rolls are a flat +1 regardless of the player character's actual Luck score.
  • All character classes that do not regenerate spent Luck now regenerate it at a rate of 1 point per 7 days.
  • Available human character classes include Sentinel, Shaman, Healer, Rover, Warrior, Wizard, Cleric, and Thief. (Yes, this is a world of savagery, sorcery, and superscience.)
  • The setting is not Terra A.D. but Catastrophe Planet. I shan't reveal the nature of the catastrophe(s) here as spoilers are the worst kind of catastrophe, but I might be using some resources by third party publishers...
  • The starting point will probably be somewhere in Flo-da Ridia.

At the moment, there are two players for this particular campaign, so I will be letting them run eight 0-level characters each for the funnel. I haven't yet decided whether I will have them choose one character each to level up (and possibly give them some non-player character assistants for support), or let them choose two characters each to level up. Probably the former.

Oh, and the funnel in question will be Assault on the Sky-High Tower from the first printing of the MCC RPG rule book.

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